Amida Editorial

Welcome  to  another  issue  of  The Word!  Firstly just an update about
myself.   I'm  back in Newcastle once again as I've returned from London
since  Thursday  August  7th  and The amount of luggage almost killed me
despite  the  amount  of  stuff  I  had  to  transport and travelling by
train/BR.   Luckily  an  empty  space  was  found  beside  the  doors to
accomodate  my  belongings,  The  only  hassle  was  to  make  space for
passangers  to  aboard and alight the train as all my stuff are blocking
the  exits.   The amount I had to carry with me required assistance from
mates and multiple journeys, now you know why I didn't bring my A4000.

I  have  other updates but they relate to my A4000, please refer to that
article  in this month's issue.  Its proven how much time I had to spend
on the system.

Now onto more updates

After  a year of stay in London, I am now back at Newcastle again having
completed  a  full  year  in  industry  (working  for  the Home Office).
Typical  of the fact that I'm now living with my parents.  For days I've
been quite inactive in relating to my Amiga.  Unfortunately lifestyle at
home  means  restriction, imprisonment and lack of freedom.  The working
environment  for  both  myself and my Amigas are unsuitable.  My room is
small  with  too  many  loose  bits'n bobs (mostly hardware, books + all
other  stuff  which  I collected from London).  I need to sort myself by
tidying but theres so much stuff and so little space.  Theres other work
(personal  stuff)  which  I need to study on.  Not only that, but theres
worrying factors especially for owning two monitors (as I'm only allowed
one by my parents), only one computer allowed (but I own four and having
to  hide  the  rest  and  lock  the  door  without being suspected by my
parents).   Frustration!   Owning  any  of  the following:  Playstation,
Hi-Fi,  speakers  can have serious problems here!  My parents are strict
in  anything mentioned above, needless to say, console games, music CDs,
"freedom" is a foreign word which they think was invented by the aliens.
Well  the  only alternative to relieve frustration is to spend more time
outdoors  with  mates  etc.   The good factor is that I won't be staying
here  for  very  long  :).   I  will  be  moving out again on 30/9/97 to
Middlesbrough  to complete my final year.  I will also have e-mail, much
better cohesion with contacts and more work will be done on my Amigas.

Luckily  I'm a guy who usually lives away from home, rather than being a
home  student who not only gets over-fed and living to regulations.  Its
also  true that I'm allowed only a certain amount of time on the Amigas.
Now  is  a bad time for a serious problem to occur:  my A4000!  Requires
major  upgrades  and  repair works.  Keeping to date with Amiga sofware,
its  uses,  productions works, data maintenance, organisation, speed and
networking  capabilities,  only  my A4000 can allow me to remain firm on
the  Amiga  platform.   It  surprises me on the number of guys that have
forgotten  I  still  own  the  A4000.  When I mention about purchasing a
Picasso  IV,  Cybervision  3D,  PPC,  6.5GB  Hard drive, DVD drive, Mpeg
decoder,  MOV, AVI and Mpeg anims., the replies where...underestimating.
"Your 020 will not be able to cope very well with Mpeg", "The PPC is not
available  on  the  A600", "Where will you slot the Picasso IV??","6.5GB
hard drive for your A600?","No, you need AGA to do that that!" etc., You
should  know  me  well  when it comes Amiga upgrades, even from A1000 to
A4000T, I'm not exactly that stupid!

What was just as unlucky, my laptop battery had died.  I can't use it in
cars  during  journeys!!  The memory affect!  I began using my laptop on
the journey back to Newcastle.  It was powered it on which then suddenly
switched  itself  off.   The battery level at 100% plumetted straight to
0%!   From  now  the  battery is nothing but "totally dead", it requires
recharging  back to where it initially shutted off (100%) before you can
discharge  or  even  use  the battery.  But for hours of recharging, the
batt.   remained  at  0%  and  will  never reach 100% (or go beyond 0%).
That's a very bad memory effect!

Apologies  for  a  short  editorial.   Like I said before - due to a lot
stress,  decision making and time spent on testing and fixing the A4000,
still  trying  to  settle  and  coping  at home, causes the lack of time
available  on  both  Carnage  and  The Word.  It depresses me to mention
this,  but only time will tell when the A4000 problems are all over!  If
so  I'll  be  the happiest guy on earth!  For now things will have to be
done through the A600.

In the future I hope to offer a much better update than this one...

My current email exists on but you will not receive
any replies until October (when I return to Uni.)

